Angular State Management with NGRX

This is a three-day instructor-led course.

While a beginning-level Angular developer entering this training would have the basic skills to create simple Angular applications, when working in a team of developers, having consistent patterns for making data available to components, modeling interactions in a observable, traceable way, and dealing with API calls is imperative.


The primary objective of this course is to prepare beginning-level Angular developers to recognize, categorize, and respond to issues in Angular applications worked on by a team of developers constantly delivering business value in a CI/CD environment.

Specific objectives of this course are for developers to be able to understand and implement the following:

Design a Redux-style State Managment System in an Angular Application.

Redux is a software pattern for stateful client-side applications that allow developers to work in teams and share data and behavior between components and features in an applicaiton. User-interface has a high-rate of churn - we need a solid way to design applications that have a high-degree of reliability, performance, and responsiveness while also allowing us to quickly implement new features. The key pieces and the "flow" of both data and interactions (actions) in an Angular application will be presented.

State Caching and Retention in Angular Applications

"State Management" means we will hold data in the memory of our applications. This data will often be out of sync with the data owned by the server. We will learn techniques for ensuring eventual consistency in a reliable way, minimizing distracting "round-trips" to the server. We will learn techniques and approaches for keeping application state "up to date" in the client transparently to the user.

Design the Application State in an Angular Application

In Redux, there is a "single source of truth" for application state. We will explore best-practices for implementing our application state that is tolerant to changes, easy to refactor when we need to, and supports immutability. This section will include a thorough introduction the the @ngrx/entity library, including the EntityAdapter utility. At the end of this section, developers will know how to design state to hold simple (scalar) values and lists of entities.

Query Application State as Observables with Selector Functions

Components (and sometimes services and effects) need access to the application state. We will learn how to write robust selector functions that allow your code to observe the application state over time, and react immediately to changes. Special emphasis will be places on joining various selector functions to provide projected data for components.

Design and Implement Actions

Redux expresses interactions with the application as a series of Actionss. We will learn how to successfully design and dispatch actions, including actions for events, commands, documents, and error handling.

Handle API calls Reliably with Effects

In Redux and Angular, we use components to provide an interfact for users, and Effects to interface with the "outside world", most notably when talking to server-side APIs. We will master the Angular HttpClient, and then learn to design reactive Effects to make asynchronous calls to APIs to retrieve data, and synchronize the client state with the server state. Developers will also learn how to securely deal with environment data in Angular applications, including internal URLs.

Recover from API Errors

Users of our applications need to be shielded from the harsh reality of flaky networks, latency issues, and just failing APIs. We will learn strategies for gracefully handling both transient and system errors in Angular applications to ensure users still will be able to get the maximum benefit from our application. Techniques for retrying calls, correcting state issues when errors are received from APIs, and compensating activities in Eventual Consistency patterns will be provided.

Design and Implement Angular Routing

Angular Routing provides the most important "source of truth" for the state of the application. We will learn how to design a successful routing strategy and keep the router state synced with the Redux application state. We will also learn how to implement route guards to limit user access to certain areas of the application unless rules are fulfilled.

Introduction to Deployment and Feature Toggles

This topic, while covered in more depth in the Advanced Angular training (below), will be introduced to show Angular developers how to build, deploy, and host Angular applications, including an introduction to feature toggles, and "branch by abstraction" in Angular applications.

Expected Outcome Of This Training

At the conclusion of the Angular State Management with NGRX course, developers will be able to:

  • Implement state management in Angular applications to create a flexible architecture that allows new features to be easily added.
  • Know how to design application state for performance and reusability
  • Know how to create selector functions that are highly optimized
  • Create and use actions for UI and Service interactions
  • Interact with backend services using HTTP and other asynchronous APIs
  • Utilize the state held by the Angular Router to make your Angular applications for resiliant and usable
  • Build applications that when deployed recover from transient network failures, and responding to errors from APIs.